Saturday, April 18, 2009

Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer- Amanda Knotts

This was a great book, however, I'm not sure how much I liked the ending (which was the typical "happily ever after"). It slightly bored me, though I still enjoyed the whole book. There was no physical combat between the Cullen's and the Volturi, and few vampires died, leaving the story with hardly any drama toward the end. So the 4th book in the Twilight Saga didn't impress me much, but I adored the whole Saga. I would recommend this book to anyone who has started the Saga and is on the third book, Eclipse.


Summer Gollar said...

I didn't like the ending either.

Amber Dinser said...

I agree. The ending seemed to drag on and on and with no action to keep you interested you kind of lost the will to read.