Monday, September 29, 2008

Banned Books Week

What is Banned Books Week? Is is a national week in which there is a discussion on what books we "encourage" our children not to read? Actually it's the opposite. Libraries and other bookholders across the nation celebrate the books that so many government officials, parents, social and religion groups want wiped off the shelves every year.

Several books that students read for pleasure or because a teacher demands it of them are on the list, to surprise of many. Some reasons that book are on the list of "inappropriate" are:

Vulgar language (such as the n-word in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn)
Promotion of sexual behavior (such as Fade by Robert Carmier)
Promotion--or even mention--of homosexuality (such as Two to Tango)
Promotion ot religion or atheism/agnosticism

The list goes one. Several books have been placed on the "banned books" list, from Lord of the Flies to Where's Waldo. Personally, I respect someone's lack of interest in the vulgar language in a book. However, if a person doesn't like it, don't read it. the 1st Amendment still exists! No one has the right to determine the books another can read.

So this week, read a banned book and tell you what you think!

Do you think books should be banned?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The banned book "And Tango makes three" is about two guy penguins that raise their own baby penguin. I think the book should NOT have been banned because people need to realize that people are different and NOBODY is the same. Yes, there are homosexuals in the world, but WHO CARES! Honestly, us, as human beings, are all different. We have White people, Black people, Hispanics, Asians, Homosexuals, Heterosexuals, short people, tall people, skinny people, fat people and the list can go on and on and on, But the point is just because people are different it doesn’t mean we, as Humans, have to right to put them down or to tell them they are “not normal”. Who is to say what “normal” is?!? WAKE UP!!! AMERICA IS CHANGING PEOPLE!!! NOT EVEYONE IS THE SAME!

In America we have gone through many hard times, including racism, but we got through it. Yes, we still have some racist left in America, but for the most part it’s gone. And do we sit here at Simon Kenton High School shunning or talking bad about someone who is Black?!? NO!!!!!! So, why is shunning or making fun of Homosexuals alright?!?!

If I was a parent I would want my child to read “And Tango Makes Three”, because people are living the lifestyle where kids have two moms or two dads, and I wouldn’t want my child thinking another student is “weird” or “different” just because they have two moms or two dads. I want to tell my kids that it’s okay to be different. And if you’re getting made fun of just because you’re different, that’s okay cause at lease you know who you are and that’s all that matters.

I just think that no matter what in life people are different and that’s okay with me.